Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chinese vs French

Across from the chinese restaurant is a Louis vitton.
While Cairns is one of the popular destination in Australia amoung nature lovers and eco-minded people, this china palace and the french maison can not help competing with each other on who can brighten up the dim city Cairns more in spite of the global warming issue.


  1. Love it Mac! Will enjoy reading your blog and watching your little business progress. Good luck with it all! I'm visiting Cairns again in February. Hope you are well and that all is great at Tamardind! Love Kristin xoxo

  2. Thanks so much for your support girl! Shinobu, the girl who im doing all this with (hence the name of our company) is in charge of the MaccaBou blog and im in charge of the facebook page. So get ready to be truly informed! Can't wait to see you in feb! xx

