Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finally! MaccaBou online shop is open y'all!
After many days of late nights with redbulls and loads of timtams
and sacrificeing our beauty naps,
our website is finally ready to greet the world. So thrilling!
Then again it's only the bigginig...
Our head is already full of
crazy ideas for the next collection!!
Meanwhile we hope you enjoy shopping at MaccaBou!
Stay happy and eat lots of pineapple.
Mac and Shinobu xxx

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

we got the photo shoot done!

It started off raining just like weather forcast said the night before,
but as soon as Holly came out so did the sun.

We were very impressed with both Holly and Bernie who did such an amzing job modeling.
Oh, and Callan, he was the best reflector technician ever!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

location hunting

We were just wandering around the citi in serch of cool spots again for the photoshoot coming up next month! Are you guys ready, Holly and Bernie???

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

what's nectrace?

We know you are wondering what nectrace is.
And we certainly wouldn't blame you for not knowing what it is.
But don't worry you will soon find out all about it.
Just stay tuned!