Friday, October 16, 2009

Make MaccaBou your Web Browser home page!!!!!

Well hello there! We hope you have had fun browsing our crazy photos and comments. If you want to keep up to date with MaccaBou more, why don't you make your web browser home page? It easy simple, free and fun!

Stay safe
Mac and Shinobu

Different. Unique. Individuality.


Just so that you know we are not just hangin' around all the time. Here is a sample of MaccaBou we are working on. Wish we had 48 hours a day!!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting down to the business yet?

Whenever we get together for a so-called "meeting" we just have fun and can not help but laughing our axx off! Tick tack tick tack.....

Friday, October 9, 2009

who's that knocking on my door?

Hello there! Welcome to MaccaBou. Click around, have a good look. I know you will be back for more. You better be! Check out our facebook fan page too! And become a fan. But thats a given right! Click on the link to the right. Have fun.

Stay safe
Mac and Shinobu


Thursday, October 8, 2009

The history behind the name

Well well well. Welcome!

You may be wondering why we chose the name MaccaBou to represent our brand! You are curious right? Well let us fill you in.

Mac Smerdon and Shinobu Kondo, came up with the idea of creating a fashion brand as a fun project over a cup of coffee late one night after work. What was intended as just good fun, ended up to be a business in the making. So an ideal name had to be invented that reflected the personalities of these two crazy people.

What better words to do so than our very own names! Shinobu (say, Shin a boo), and Mac (say, Mack), so put them together - add an 'O' for artistic value, and you have MaccaBou!

(say, Mack - a - Boo)

Stay safe.
Mac and Shinobu

Different.Unique.Original. Individuality.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Cocoboo or Maccabou?

Sneak peak

Some more ideas to ponder.

quick sneak peek

Just to update you all with our logo development.
Here is just one of our current ideas we are contemplating.
Check it!

Monday, October 5, 2009

New concepts

Greetings you MaccaBou!

We have been brain storming some crazy jewellery ideas. What do you think of Lace, Leather and Chunky Chain? Or Chain and Silk? Both accented with fab beads and charms? Post a comment and let us know what you think.

Stay safe.

Mac and Shinobu


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Some of our work!


Well, is off to a flying start!
There are so many thing to show and tell!! There's just not enough hours in a day!
If you have just tuned in with us, WELCOME! Get ready to be amazed, dazzled and shocked with the world of MaccaBou! Ok, so its about time we started to give you a preview of some of our work!!! Below you will see a bunch of dazzling pictures. Thats us. 100% Different, 100% Unique, 100% Original. That means you can show your Individuality. Actually, thats what MaccaBou is all about! In fact, it's our Credo.

Different. Unique. Original. Individuality.

Its what we live by. Honestly, why fit in, when you can stand OUT!

Stay safe!

Mac and Shinobu,


Unisex Necklace

Unisex Necklace

Unisex Necklace

Unisex Necklace


Friday, October 2, 2009

The MaccaBou Creators

The mind behind Maccabou!


Welcome to MaccaBou

So what is MaccaBou you might be asking? Well let us take a moment to explain and introduce you to the world of MaccaBou!

Starting out as a hobby, creating individual statement pieces that were not available in the retail market, Mac Smerdon and Shinobu Kondo, self taught designers, have put their talents together and created MaccaBou, a creative, original, stand out designer brand of jewellery. Mac and Shinobu’s inspiration comes from everyday items that are often taken for granted, they than incorporate these items into original pieces of jewellery. MaccaBou's products are original, eye catching, quirky fashion accessories, designed for both men and women.

To keep updated on the changes at MaccaBou, why don't you become a follower of 'maccabou.blogspot'? Prefer facebook? Click on the Maccabou poster on the homepage and be directly transported. Its almost like magic. We plan to keep you informed as often as possible. Your one of us now, a member of the family. Your a MaccaBou!

